February 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to us!

De-Stress Essentials is a year old! In web years though we might be going through our teenage angst ;-) I'm amazed at how one little idea made it this far. Since my original article in Changing Course magazine I've been asked many questions to how do you get a store online to how can I quit the job I don't enjoying going to anymore. Though I don't have answers to those kinds of questions (or let me just say you gotta WANT it whatever it is, the rest just comes, honestly), you're still welcome to email me with your other questions, comments or feedback. maria@destressessentials.com
Read the press release (in pdf)
Here's some pictures I dug up from the past year.

1) me at the Day Spa Expo Vegas at the Herbal Works booth. I had a huge headache (due to lack of fresh circulating air at the hotel!) that day so they were giving me peppermint to relieve the tension. Peppermint oils when applied with pressure on your temples DOES work! ....and I do usually look happier than this ;-)

2) me at the Green Festival in Washington, DC. happy showing a book on balance ;-)

3) me again in Little Italy, famished after the Inside Beauty Conference NYC.

4) my sister Fern at the Green Festival DC. She helps me put together Glow! News. She's a go-getter and she brings her eco canvas tote when she shops at Whole Foods. She takes the bus to work too. She cares.

5) and finally this is brett my husband and technical guy. He helps me when computers go south and other techie stuff. He's very patient. Can you tell? He's in information gathering mode in this photo. He's a programmer searching for greener solutions.

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