May 08, 2007

tuesday feels like monday

it's so funny i'm gone for a week and today feels like monday and monday felt like sunday. since i abandoned a 'normal' routine when left the 9-5 working world and started on this journey early last year, dates/times are not as important as what i do with the days given to me. i work much longer hours but it's work that my creative spirit guides me to do and it's worth the long days.

after coming back from the retreat i felt totally refreshed! sunday my husband and i and sabrina in towe drove north of our home and spent the day fixing up minor things around the house we're selling. it's about an hr north of here on the coast and it goes on the market tomorrow! and today my book keeper came over and we tackled financials i've been putting off. ahhhh. wonderful feeling of forward movement.

then i got a wonderful email from a woman going through an entrepreneurship program at WEV and commented on how she was inspired by my business plan as part of her curriculum. funny how good things start happening when i have a positive refreshed perspective. i love the saying that goes 'if you change your routine, you change your perspective'.

here's to retreats + laughter + yoga + friendship!

Yours in laughter,

Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher

p.s. the hoop group play date has changed to tuesday, may 22. click here for details/sign up.

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