May 22, 2007

hula hooping in the park - tonight

Quick reminder to come hula hoop with us in the park tonight. Creative play to de-stress your day!

More details at Meetup.

Shoreline Park at 6pm
Santa Barbara, CA

Sponsored by
De-Stress Essentials

Beyonce and Charlize Theron Hoop For Health (April 2007)

bolton news: curves are back In the UK, the Bolton News reports that hooping "is the latest contraption shown to work wonders on your waist and tummy muscles. Beyonce and Charlize Theron swear by it which means, if the celebs say yes, then so do we. Swivelling and twirling is the ultimate exercise for a trimmer, slimmer midriff." In the article personal trainer Lucy Brown notes, "...Hooping certainly burns calories, and specifically works the hips and obliques - love handles. Try enacting what you used to get up to as a child, and weight loss is guaranteed - it's tiring being a kid!"

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