May 10, 2007

yogic breathing exercises

i survived the dreadful part II number crunching and financial mgmt yesterday. so to quickly counter balance that type of stress, I practiced yogic breathing exercises as i was taught during laughter yoga training. pranayama, a sanskrit word for life energy force, combined with laughter exercises expands like energy to help bring more oxygen to my body which rejuventes and brings me more energy to do more number crunching! Even being aware of my new inner spirit of laughter helped me through yesterday despite that left brain challenge. it has now become my new daily exercise i look forward to and to bring into my community. if you're an area resident and interested in expanding laughter yoga with me, pls contact me. email: or use contact form. I'd like to hear from you.

i also realized when i woke up how much i miss those early morning meditations, breathing exercises and the comraderie of new connections. the experience with dr. kataria and friends left a huge imprint in my laughing joyful heart. i think back to experiences that really push my limits... didn't think laughing could bring so many benefits to mind and body and spirit (and left me feeling exhausted and exhilirated), but this is something that really pushed me away from my comfort zone and yearning for more out of the box experiences. so july as a birthday present to myself i'm off to an iyengar conference and yoga training. here's to pushing our limits together!

reminder reminder...
be the first initial member of santa barbara hula hoop group... tues, may 22 6pm hula hoop in the park. hula hoop meetup group.

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