January 03, 2007

daily dose of nature

happy new year, happy hump day, happy first everything this week! so far so good? isn't it great to have this feeling of a second chance to do things better this year. we get another opportunity to fine tune who we are and who we are meant to be.

so as i sat here looking at lots of white space on my computer i was thinking what could i possibly say here, the 3rd day of another new year, that hasn't been said already. nothing. however i will tell you what's on my mind, inspired by muse's daily walks and now my own -- commune with nature daily. ta da! a new year universal intention that can do us all good.

let me explain further...
while we like to think about the BIG new year resolutions like --- this year i will lose weight, cut down on clutter, get a bigger house, fancier car, promotion, less stress, spend time with family, taking better care of my health, etc... I think summing it up to communing with nature daily as allowing us to see a perspective on ALL of your huge life goals. Basic isn't it? A clear head has helped me to personally clarify my wants and needs. And as you begin to make the lifestyle habit of having nature a part of your daily life watch yourself as you begin to want and need less. here's the fascinating twist though... by wanting less, you'll start feeling sufficient; you'll be content with what you already have, actually be in a constant state of gratefulness. priorities shift and you get clearer about what you want from your life. don't take my word for it, experiment with this idea yourself!

where to start? make little habits each day or start every other day. for me, i intentionally live in a climate where i can commune with nature daily, walking, hiking, biking, playing so it's easier for me. for some, it'll be more challenging but doable. snowing? make a snow man. wet? slosh around in your raincoat and go for a walk. important thing is to make those little steps into little habits and next thing you know, you're not only loving these changes but embracing them!

remember, you can send your thoughts or feedback directly to me at maria@destressessentials.com or reply to post.

here's to you in 2007. make it a good one.
all is well.

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