January 10, 2007

reading to de-stress

Anyone who knows me knows I love BOOKS and reading. It really helps me to unwind and de-stress. For Christmas, hubby bought me a new luxe chair I earmark just for reading. It was inspired by the one I sit on at our local Border's where I used to hang out reading and day dreaming which now I can do comfortably and peacefully at home!

His name, yes my chair is named Bruno (manufacturer name so I kept it) and it gives me hours of delightful reading time. Bonus for me too that I get some great ideas sitting on this magical chair! Though maybe I should call her Bruna, Bruno sounding too tough for such a sweet chair. Ok so back to books.

Some of the best books I've read came to me from recommendations from strangers, a gift, casually browsing at bookstores and even airport terminals where fellow travelers were eager to suggest a book... am I that transparent in my hunger for a good read!?

Well, here's a book I just finished reading that's worth mentioning. I picked it up at Barnes & Noble Sept 06 while passing time to pick my mom up from her nearby work in VA-DC. There it was, it just appeared, a couple of months before I watched a life changing film called the Secret which a friend had given me as a birthday gift in July.

This book titled The Law of Attraction,also a life changing book for me, has a similar resonating theme as The Secret DVD!Without giving too much away, Abraham-Hicks say the Universe is based on 3 universal laws, happening whether we like it or know it or not. The Law of Attraction, the most powerful law says that which is like unto itself is drawn. "The more you think of what you want, the more the Law of Attraction will bring the evidence of it to you, until you will believe it."

Now I was thinking how I came upon this book that has greatly affected my life. It was through this law that I attracted it without effort because the law was at work for me. Just a tiny example of how it works and ok, very hard for me to explain but the book The Law of Attraction says it more eloquently. I highly highly recommend it whether you're on the path to spiritual growth or would like to invite some new thoughts and perspectives into your beautiful life.

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