August 29, 2008

Laughter challenge

I saw a site that took me back to childhood. I was stopped at a light the other day and I noticed some girls laughing. They were laughing so hard they were almost doubled over. I was sitting in the car hoping the light wouldn't turn green so I could get some of what they had. It started with a smile then a laughter and I didn't know what they were laughing about! Laughter is certainly contagious.

The tension I was carrying around with me from adult responsibilities was lifted that day. It had some mesmerizing calming effect. It's a great reminder that life doesn't have to be so serious. Just watch children at play. They laugh for no reason. It's that child-like playfulness that we ought to bring back in our lives.

Throughout the day, give yourself a laugh challenge --- laugh with a friend, spouse, co-worker or your boss and feel the tension release. You don't need to find a reason to laugh. The source of laughter is within us, not outside of our bodies.

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