In my continual search for this all elusive answer, I drove down to Santa Monica last night for a LWL event featuring Mariel Hemingway where she talked to a group of launching stressed out women about a lot of things mainly on the topic of balance and wellness. suprisingly i was wow'd by the evening which closed with her blessings and a brief guided meditation, a perfect way to end the day.
I didn't know much about Muiel before meeting her other than she's the granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway and that her sister starred in Lipstick... she's totally funny, spirited, smart, and spunky! ... and definitely knows alot about well-being. She's been a spiritual traveler -- aren't we all in our individual way -- that led her to her second book, Mariel Hemingway's Healthy Living from the Inside Out: Every Woman's Guide to Real Beauty, Renewed Energy, and a Radiant Life
She talked candidly about her family and her journey that led her chaotic life to a sea of calm ON the yoga mat. More like chatting over a meal with a good friend she exuded warmth and light when she walked in the room! She talked (with huge doses of hilarity) about wholesome food, meditation, parenting and yoga. And those crazy voices in your head telling you negative messages. Oi! I'm hearing mine right now telling me to keep my blog posts short ... so quick to the chase...
muriel encourages us to listen to ourselves and do things differently that will allow us to discover our radiant life. Some tidbits still fresh in my head from last night.
- Take time for yourself
- Pay attention to your own wants
- Prioritize relaxation over work every once in a while
- Moderate your exercise, less is more - instead of going to the gym running on the treadmill, take a 10-20 min walk outside
- Find peace and quiet in your day - take in some silence
- Have your own sacred space in your home and fill it with objects that resonate with you; change it up once in a while as your tastes change.
Her first book...
Finding My Balance: A Memoir with Yoga
Her current book...
Mariel Hemingway's Healthy Living from the Inside Out: Every Woman's Guide to Real Beauty, Renewed Energy, and a Radiant Life
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