the author shares intimate details of her spiritual journey from italy to india to indonesia. hilarious most times blended with spiritual finesse, i think we can find a little bit of ourselves in her.
because i'm one of those book geeks that just has to get into the author's mind, like the book wasn't enough... i dragged brett and sabrina along for a leisurely drive to malibu (diesel bookstore) sunday to get my author fix. elizabeth gilbert is as witty in person as she truthfully writes. i'm a better reader than photographer so please excuse the image quality.
book tip off (aka book gossip): movie in the works (don't quote me on this but word is that julia roberts will play author); she's currently writing a book about... marriage.
pick up the book if you haven't already. read it and pass it along. it's the perfect summer read. my sister gave me her copy and i'm ready to let it go and pass it on.

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