November 15, 2006


as i sit typing away with muse by my side, i notice how she just takes things in stride, doing one thing, moving on and being happy in each moment. so that just brought me an aha moment about me versus perfectionism. that 'p' word is driving me to compulsive behavior with frustration as a side effect. did i really need to edit the copy 8 times? do i need to respond to every email? did i really need to make the image one pixel smaller then larger then smaller? did i really need to spend 3 hrs on one color decision? as my vow to strive for constant balance in my life, i'm gently reminded by muse to enjoy what i'm doing and leave the compulsion behind. my hope for you (and me!) is to set reasonable standards for ourselves. aim to be a healthy striver and enjoy the process as well as the outcome. it does lead to a more balanced life and a more genuine pleasure in the pursuit of excellence.

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