June 29, 2010
Please visit our new site.... Sama Ayurveda
De-stress Essentials and Spahhh Talk also have evolved to support women on the path to re-connect with the radiance and energy within that gives us our vitality and creativity for the passion that is the spirit of our existence. Please visit Sama Ayurveda.
Sama Ayurveda is a tranquil space devoted to women's rejuvenation in downtown Santa Barbara, CA on the corner of Chapala and Haley, a block from State Street and 1/2 mi from the beach. Visit website for menu of services and programs and to learn about Ayurveda.
Thank you for all your past support by reading my posts.
Be Well. Be Vitality. Be loving. Be Passionate. All good things.
November 12, 2008
Win a Southern California Dream Spa Experience
Pala Casino Spa & Resort and Spas of America Launch Spa Contest
Entering is free and easy. Click here to enter. You'll be taken to Spas of America website.
Pala, California- Southern California’s AAA Four Diamond Pala Casino Spa & Resort and the Spa-travel website, Spas of America, are giving away a Southern California Dream Spa Prize Package. The contest invites spa enthusiasts to enter for a chance to win three night’s accommodation, a Pala Spa couple’s package and dinner for two. The Grand Prize package is valued at over $1,000. Secondary prizes in the form of dinner and spa packages are also offered.
The Pala Spa is located one hour north of San Diego, against the tranquil backdrop of the Palomar Mountains. Pala Spa offers 14 treatment rooms including two Couples Suites, a state-of-the-art fitness center, a full-service salon, and a retail boutique. The Pala Spa’s signature treatment is the Lavender Bliss Treatment. This Thai-inspired experience begins with an awakening toning body scrub, followed by a relaxing lavender bath. Lastly, guests enjoy a warm bolus massage using marine salt crystals and French lavender.
August 29, 2008
Laughter challenge
The tension I was carrying around with me from adult responsibilities was lifted that day. It had some mesmerizing calming effect. It's a great reminder that life doesn't have to be so serious. Just watch children at play. They laugh for no reason. It's that child-like playfulness that we ought to bring back in our lives.
Throughout the day, give yourself a laugh challenge --- laugh with a friend, spouse, co-worker or your boss and feel the tension release. You don't need to find a reason to laugh. The source of laughter is within us, not outside of our bodies.
August 23, 2008
break the monotony
It's far from taking sky diving lessons or bungee jumping, but this summer I left for mid-week silent retreat at a spiritual retreat center. The first few days were tough but by day 3, a peaceful calm took over me and suddenly those things I thought were important was just a blip in my life.
This weekend take a few hours to write a list of things you've always wanted to do. Then take bite sized steps to make it happen. Take a yoga retreat or class in another discipline, take a belly dancing class or climb that mountain. When our minds are open to new experiences, doors open to even better opportunities.
August 22, 2008
Are you a relax-aholic?
Just like anything that we get too much of in life, it reverses its purpose. Spa too much, you get too spoiled in the luxury. Relaxing too much invites complacency. You'll know it's too much when you're spending more days pampering than to your life purpose. Relaxation is good for the soul but really we're much happier when we can work at what we love with doses of relaxation to keep us centered and balanced.
January 09, 2008
Give your cuticles a lift!
In my book of vanities, chipped nail polish and dry, cracked cuticles are a definite eyesore. Unless of course, you're going for the grunge look. That is why I'm so happy to have found Daniella's Body Care coconut cuticle oil which totally lives up to it's claims for "an uplifting fix for dry cuticles." I like to use it after removing nail polish, after my shower, or just before I go to bed. Honestly, I love the stuff and it has such a gentle smell. It comes in a convenient pump I can tote around in my purse so it's always with me. The oil absorbs quickly so there's never a greasy feeling. Just massage a small dollop onto your cuticles and you've got soft, beautiful fingertips to show the world.
Enough about vanity. Coconut oil has lots of benefits; most importantly, it's natural, does not contain toxins, and absorbs quickly into the skin. Coconut oil sooths dry skin and keeps the skin smooth and resilient. There's a whole line of coconut products at Daniella's Body Care Web site so don't stop at the cuticle oil. Get a full of list of benefits that coconut oil provides and other ingredients used in the Daniella line of products by selecting Learn on the Daniella Web site. Smooth, youthful skin...now who's not vain enough to want that?December 12, 2007
Top 10 Spa Trends
- The Star Therapist: Spas and spa-goers will learn to recognize and appreciate the really gifted therapists.
- Wellness, Wellness, Wellness: Spas are not so much about pampering anymore as they are about wellness.
- Luxury Detox and Luxury Bootcamps: There is nothing wrong with mixing comfort and luxury while detoxing and getting in shape.
- Spa Real Estate Mania: There are many options now to buy a condo or home where the spa component is a key feature.
- Taking Sleep Seriously…Especially if you want to Lose Weight: Research shows healthy sleep makes it easier to lose weight.
- Fertility Tranquility: Relaxing at a spa is good for your body, mind, spirit…and conception.
- Hydro and Thermal Super-Experiences: Explore the large variety of beautifully designed water and heat experiences at spas - hot saunas, steam grottos, ice caves, etc.
- Urban Spa Explorer: Generation X, Y and others are discovering spa "gems" in the ethnic community of cities; Korean scrubs, Thai massages, Shiatsu, etc. often at no frills prices.
- Plug-in or Unplug: It's up to You: Some spas don't allow you to use your phone or Blackberry yet other spas do. Some spas have sections for each.
December 07, 2007
Detoxing Body Scrub
Visit the Daniella Body Care web site to see the complete line of body scrubs and essential oils. Check out the page “Learn” and find out about the ingredients and their benefits and uses. I loved reading this page and learning about the products that I’m applying to my body. Knowing that I’m using carefully selected natural ingredients that are beneficial to my mind and body reassures me that I’m treating my skin with lots of love.
November 27, 2007
Via Botanica handmade soap
Okay, so my bathing products are still pretty simple, but at least they're more nourishing now.
November 09, 2007
Sugar Scrub
To exfoliate at home in the bath, wet skin first, apply the scrub using circular movements working towards your heart. Buddha Nose Sugar Scrub is my new secret to a pre-party energy boost during the holidays! You can find Buddha Nose at www.SamaLiving.com
November 03, 2007
New Site Launches!
In the coming weeks Spahhh Talk too will take on a different role.... stay tuned for more!
A glorious Fall day to you...
Maria Carbonell Elliott
September 26, 2007
welcoming a new season
for me autumn is the time where i establish rituals that boost my spirit. try practicing awareness by looking at what you do daily to nourish your soul. take an afternoon walk, turn off the radio in the car, block out whatever time you can - 15 min, 5 min, 30 min to tune out life's noise. this Fall and Winter establish a routine - sign up for yoga classes, go on mini retreat, go to the museums and continue to make room to connect to others. the key is not to let your spirits dampen because of these shorter, darker days. as my laughter guru says 'motion creates emotion'. get up and do something if you start feeling depressed or down. you'll be better able to adapt to the wisdom these darker days can bring!
September 25, 2007
my splurge of the year
what's your splurging inspiration?
how many other people donate to their gym
when i lived on the east coast, had a corporate job and shoveled snow, the gym seemed to suit me and my schedule. not only do i live in santa barbara where I enjoy the outdoors all year round, but my lifestyle has changed, my needs have changed, and my interests have changed. likely so for someone who prefers being in nature with muse or on a yoga mat.
do you have something that maybe served you during the times you did it but your gut has been telling you that you no longer need it? a new season is a great time to take stock of what's working for you and what's not. take time to think what that is for you and remove that clutter in your life for better things to come!
herbal fix for your cold/sinuses

slowly breathe in the purifying steam for your sinuses and give yourself a steam facial at the same time!
Bath by Bettijo Tub Tea, $23
September 23, 2007
taking in the mineral baths at sycamore springs
another hour up the coast brought us to sycamore mineral springs resort. truly an oasis tucked between sycamore trees and the ocean at avila beach. my body being out of sorts with the flu the past week welcomed the hour mineral bath soak. we walked up the hill to the furthest tub called the shagri-la and the most private to a beautiful setting that couldn't be anymore perfect.
after just a 30 min soak i felt rejuvenated and my sinuses were clear. so many benefits of a mineral bath include... healing properties found in sulfur compounds. the hydrogen sulfide gas (that stinky smell) is known to be a powerful antibacterial agent, which stimulates the body's mucus membranes. Inhaling the sulfur is known to soothe the respiratory system and be calming to the skin not to mention the detoxification from the long soak. we're heading back at least once a month!
If you happen to be long the central ca coast, stop by for a mineral bath. no clothing required. it's a truly magical natural setting. don't forget to walk the labrynth for a calm to take you over the edge of tranquility!
September 20, 2007
are you this statistic?
I'm back after a blog break. Taking care of business you can say and got hit by the flu bug this past week. On the track to feeling great again though.
I heard on the radio tonight that 80% of employees don't like what they do. They dread going to work. I had a feeling it was high but wow that's huge. That's too many unhappy stressed people going through the motions for a paycheck. I used to be there and definitely know how that feels for 3 yrs of being employed at jobs that didn't feed my spirit. It was awful. The other years prior were great I'd have to say.
Now the good news is... Enthusiasm is contagious! So now that I have my newfound enthusiasm back after being on my own, i hope you're feeling the love i have for wanting to see you do what inspires you. Take that step to do what you've always wanted to do and find the way. Decide what it is and go for it. That'll make one less stressed out person creatively shaping and taking control of their lives.
All the best.
September 14, 2007
italian spa reviews
Read Melissa's first hand spa experiences around Italy and be inspired by her beautiful photos too!
Tres Mesi in Italia
September 12, 2007
spa reviews by spa defined
Spa Defined
stock update - comfort essentials
foot mules and body wraps will be retiring by mid-Oct. if you've been eyeing them for a while, pls plan on purchasing by mid-Oct.
we'll also have a limited fabric selection of eye pillows and neck wraps. if you mention this blog post, you'll receive 10% off but you must write in the comments section at checkout so we know to discount your purchase.
stay well.
laughter is great medicine
make it a point to laugh at least 15 min a day... laugh with friends, co-workers, your family or join a laughter club in your area. my husband sometimes finds me laughing with myself and muse!
go to the laughter yoga site to search for a teacher in your area...
Anita Rodick passes away
She's important to me because she's a huge part of me launching De-Stress Essentials last year. I came across her book, Business As Unusual
What I admire about her is that she founded a business with heart and passion, unheard of in the 70's, esp for women. Well, today I can't help but be reminded where my inpsirations come from. She is a unique spirit and she has left behind so much to be grateful for.
More books by Anita Roddick:
Take it Personally
A Revolution in Kindness
August 29, 2007
for a restful nap while in nyc...
check it out... www.yelonyc.com
August 28, 2007
a fun quiz for yogis
A Balanced Yogi (Maria)You love your friends unconditionally and accept them for who they are no matter what their yoga style preference, religious beliefs, or spending habits. You focus on the good in people and would never try to change them. Almost everyone feels comfortable in your presence. You live your yoga. You are an inspiration to yoga students everywhere! |
Take the Yoga Journal Yoga Snob Quiz! |
a truffle of happiness
if you're in that part of town, visit moonstruck.
my other favorites:
In NYC MarieBelle
I buy their chocolates online when i make my own truffles. By far, the best for baking. Bernard Callebaut.
back in stock
Lotion: cucumber melon, lavender, tea tree spearmint (my fav for the morning).
Coconut oil: pineapple coconut
** the "breeze" scent has been retired in soaps, oils and lotions.
cocktail party politics
note for the sb locals who care that oprah and friends will be here sept 8 for barack fundraiser in our very own san ysidro ranch. not that i keep track of this stuff ;-)
beam me up scotty
Life IS a mystery (ditto from Madonna) that we are here to explore, past, present, future.
Isn't all this in alignment with "The Secret"?
my thoughts today...
August 27, 2007
comfort essentials growing in popularity
If you've purchased a comfort essential, send me your feedback...
stay well,
hula hooping for wellness

Hula Hooping Health Benefits:
• Superb cardio and strength workout. Builds endurance.
• Blasts the fat from the belly! Strengthens the core muscles the way sit ups do.
• A whole-body experience similar to yoga.
• Promotes correct body alignment from the circular motions and proper posture in the upper body routines.
• Speeds weight loss by boosting metabolism
• Relieves stress with fun fitness which makes you feel happy
• Saturates your body with energy and a feeling of well-being
Hula Hooping Emotional Benefits:
• Calms the mind, clears the head
• Great boost for stirring up creativity in the workplace!
• Uplifts your spirit
• Builds confidence (to ask for that raise, to be proactive contributor in meetings)
• Banishes the blues
• Creates child-like playfulness, which is great in exercising the right brain which we tend to lose as adults.
• Creates community & cooperation in the workplace (co-workers who laugh together collaborate together)
• Allows you to appreciate your whole body and the perfect individual you are.
• Allows you to shift awareness and allow more expansion into your life, in and out of the hoop.
zaca fire in santa barbara county
the fire is contained (meaning still burning but under control) now due to the thousands of hard working firemen on the front lines and off. Off line meaning, sometimes I forget about the crews communicating with the public about the fires. they're the ones holding town hall meetings, answering phones, coordinating with the red corss, and posting bulletins, all to prevent widespread panic and rumors.
feeling safe, such a thing i take for granted sometimes because it seems to come so easy here. i count my blessings.
News and how to support:
the store re-design planning is going well. thinking of getting some survey out for what customers might like to see in the new site. any thoughts on features you'd like to see or improvements, general comments? email me: maria@destressEssentials.com.