September 20, 2007

are you this statistic?

Hello again Spahhh Talk readers!

I'm back after a blog break. Taking care of business you can say and got hit by the flu bug this past week. On the track to feeling great again though.

I heard on the radio tonight that 80% of employees don't like what they do. They dread going to work. I had a feeling it was high but wow that's huge. That's too many unhappy stressed people going through the motions for a paycheck. I used to be there and definitely know how that feels for 3 yrs of being employed at jobs that didn't feed my spirit. It was awful. The other years prior were great I'd have to say.

Now the good news is... Enthusiasm is contagious! So now that I have my newfound enthusiasm back after being on my own, i hope you're feeling the love i have for wanting to see you do what inspires you. Take that step to do what you've always wanted to do and find the way. Decide what it is and go for it. That'll make one less stressed out person creatively shaping and taking control of their lives.

All the best.


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