His name, yes my chair is named Bruno (manufacturer name so I kept it) and it gives me hours of delightful reading time. Bonus for me too that I get some great ideas sitting on this magical chair! Though maybe I should call her Bruna, Bruno sounding too tough for such a sweet chair. Ok so back to books.
Some of the best books I've read came to me from recommendations from strangers, a gift, casually browsing at bookstores and even airport terminals where fellow travelers were eager to suggest a book... am I that transparent in my hunger for a good read!?
Well, here's a book I just finished reading that's worth mentioning. I picked it up at Barnes & Noble Sept 06 while passing time to pick my mom up from her nearby work in VA-DC. There it was, it just appeared, a couple of months before I watched a life changing film called the Secret which a friend had given me as a birthday gift in July.
This book titled The Law of Attraction,
Now I was thinking how I came upon this book that has greatly affected my life. It was through this law that I attracted it without effort because the law was at work for me. Just a tiny example of how it works and ok, very hard for me to explain but the book The Law of Attraction says it more eloquently. I highly highly recommend it whether you're on the path to spiritual growth or would like to invite some new thoughts and perspectives into your beautiful life.
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