December 15, 2006

beating the blahs

i'm glad that i'm not an expert on the blahs but on the days i do feel it, like today, i've learned to recognize it, listen to what my body is telling me and even sometimes wait the feeling out.

today, i hear "move it" to help me create energy so i can be fueled by more uplifting energy. ah, makes sense to me. my exercise schedule was pushed away this week by commitments so hence this lackluster day.

if you experience lackluster days especially during this busy holiday and shorter sometimes gloomy days, make an attempt at improving your state of mind whether that means being still or going for that brisk walk, writing in your journal, listening to music or even escaping for a movie. try these intervention ideas and see what inspires you.

view blah times as an opportunity to slow down and listen to your inner self; listen to what your spirit says!

i'm off with muse to brighten my blahs with an inspiring walk to the beach.

know that this too shall pass...

i welcome your comments and feedback, email me at

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